Sunday, March 05, 2006

The House that Love built.....

So, I went to Wal-Mart on Saturday.

I love Wal-Mart. Wally World and I have a special relationship. I'm broke and I need to buy cheap shit. Wally's rich and can provide me with that cheap shit.

So I go there.

Cute Boy and I went. We had to take a city bus.

We are all losers on the bus. Now quit laughing at me and send me money to insure my car, dammit.

We decided against getting a cart at Wally's. We didn't want to look like one of those people. You know: the ones who live in suburbia in a house that looks exactly the same as the next person's house with a foreign car and five hundred tricycles in the drive way.

Because I am not, nor will I ever be, one of those people.

Any time in the next seven years.

Sadly, Wally World does not have salesladies. So I was not able to regale any salesladies with the tale of Cute Boy losing his button in the toilet. *Sigh*.

We wandered around with all the happy suburbanites and their screaming, booger-infested, dirty finger-nailed, wailing children buying such materials as children's finger paints, socks, a cheap towel, some dowling and packing tape, and of course, four cans of AAFCO (whatever the Hell that means) certified cat food.

Then it was time to go home and build a house out of shit luck and Love. Coperni-kitty Love.

The Dowling was to act as Columns for Copernicus's front porch. That's right. My cat has a better front porch than I do. Now quit laughing and send me money to buy a decent house, dammit.

The Packing tape was to act as the glue that holds a house of love together. More specifically it acts as the tape that holds the house of love together, but I'm being poetic in my blogging here.

The children's finger paint was to act as the paint. We got children's finger paint because the other cheapest paint I could find was for rust. And it has some chemical that I can't pronounce, and it says if you ingest it you have to call 911. And I've heard that 911 gets irritated when you call about a cat who may have licked some chemical-infested paint off of its house of love.

The cheap towel was to act as carpeting. I coulnd't afford tiny tiles. If you'd quit laughing at me and send me some money, my cat wouldn't have to reside in a house with lowly carpeting and could have tiles. You know what you should do.

The socks are because I can't go into a store that sells white sport socks without coming out with new sport socks. These ones are special though. They have reinforces toes and heels. Also, there is a little pink seam on the toe that is just oh-so-cute, and on the bottoms, below the reinforced toe, it says "Hanes" in little pink letters. Too much fun.

Anyhow, Cute Boy and I got home and proceeded to spend three hours building a house for a cat out of love. And the above mentioned forty dollars worth of crap. I can't afford to buy myself food and the rent is late, but dammit! My cat will have a palace!

In the interest of blogging brevity?

Coperni-kitty loves her house! She plays in it, sleeps in it, climbs on it, and has even managed to knock it over at one point!!


I'm so proud.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are going to have to post a picture of the house that love built!

5:26 p.m.  

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