Thursday, February 16, 2006

My list...

1) Attend my ten a.m. class.
** Not done. Studied instead.

2) Skip my eleven thirty a.m. class and study for my two thirty p.m midterm
**Done. Hurrah!!
3) Don't nap away studying time
**Two in a row! Look at me go!!
4) Ace my exam
**Dammit. broke the streak
5) Go to the laundromat
**Done! All my clothes are clean! Thanks Laundry Buddy neighbor!
6) Between loads, scour my house from top to bottom
**Well, between loads I had to gossip with My laundry buddy neighbor!
7) Make Cute Boy dinner when he gets here from work at around nine or ten
It's only seven p.m, but dinner plans look like a go.
8) Spend at least ten minutes pouting because Cute Boy didn't make it in time for Survivor
**I plan to wait until he gets here before I begin pouting. That way he nows what pain he has caused by not watching my show with me
9) As punishment, force Cute Boy to help me agonize over every single article of clothing I own and whether or not I should pack it to visit his parents
** Trust me, this will get done.
10) Remember to include all fifty two pairs of socks and thirty four pairs of underwear in my agonizations
** Heeheehee. Promise
My house looks great! It smells nice! I even cleaned the fridge! And scrubbed the floor AND managed to produce SEVEN bags of trash! They were small ones, but still. I don't know how I did it.

Now, I'm off to grab a slice of pizza from Johnny's.... mmmm johnny's pizza, so good. Then Watch Survivor! Hurrah!!



Blogger Michael Anthony, said...

Can you hurry up and blog again? I need something to break up my day here at work, LOL.

hugs & kisses

2:49 p.m.  

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