Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Living without the actual internet is tricky. For example, I have all the perks of going online whenever I want, wherever I want from my trusty laptop. (THANKS MOMMY AND DADDY DEAREST!!) It lets me go on the internet: I'm not sure why, because I've never signed up for the internet, nor do I pay a bill for it.

It's like magic.

Unfortunately, because I'm not sure who else is on 'my' internet, I'm scared to do my online banking in case others find my cookies.

So, I came home to the ranch tonight and took a deep breath and headed to the computer, which has a secure internet connection.

And the Banking Gods have made it possible for me to live for another month. I can eat and have a place to live for thirty more days.

*Deep Breath*

You can all now sleep soundly at night knowing that Copernicus and I will not starve. Hurrah!



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