Thursday, November 17, 2005

Changes Changes Changes

I've decided to drop the co-op program and switch schools and maybe move too.

Oh, and I started taking my meds again.

For example, I'm in sociology right now and I found out what a sociologist does. They work at statistics Canada. Which is not what I want to do. I DO NOT want a desk job, I DO NOT want to be in an office. I want to be in social work, so why the hell am I NOT in a social work program???

On top of that, I hate my school. I really do hate the school I am at so why am I still giving them my money? My school is "bilingual" which means, essentially, that if you're not French speaking you miss out on A LOT of opportunities. And quite honestly, I really do feel antagonized by the admin at this school, who are all French speaking and who are sometimes difficult to communicate with due to language barriers.

I'm applying to the other school in my city ASAP.

Oh and yes I was serious when I said I am back on my meds again. I wonder if they will give me seizures this time?

Some people don't believe in the sort of thing that I deal with every day: My answer to you is that clearly, you haven't dealt with living in my life and in my head, so you should shut the hell up.

I'm angry and I don't know why.

I'm angry at myself, I guess, for making all the wrong choices which led me to be in this ridiculous program that will take me to a job that I don't want to be in!! And for a host of other reasons but we'll stick with that one for now.

Being on my meds means no more drinking.

I hate not drinking.

So that's another reason for me to be angry.

Also, I have an essay that is based on some really abstract terms and issues, and I don't know what they are. So I'm blogging in order to procrastinate.

Urgh. It's cold and drizzly and occasionally snowy.

Perhaps while I'm moving I should check out Bachelor of Social Work Programs in warmer countries.

I hear Oklahoma is good.....

Oh, but I really don't want to move. Does anyone know how long it would take to take a bus from the campus of my current school to get to the other university in my city?? Moving is very stressful... I've done it twice now and both times were... well, sucky.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been busy contemplating, haven't you? I wonder if the college in our city wouldn't have a more hands on approach to your area of interest. You should ask that Egyptian chick you know and see what she remembers from when she used to work there.

I had the same problem as you: not knowing what my options were in my area of study. I always figured it didn't matter since my plans were to go to medical school anyway and look how well that turned out!

Anyway, good luck to you with your decision making. And good luck with your return to your medication. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Though you can blog flippantly on it, a lot of the changes you've made to your life are very serious and even you, superwoman that you are, need some adjustment time!

Take care and be well.

10:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're making the right decision to switch studies if you absolutely know that it will lead you to the wrong career opportunities. It's best to follow what you know you will enjoy doing.

As for busses on campus, I know for sure that there is a free shuttle bus that goes between OU and Carleton every half hour during normal hours. The two campuses are not that far apart either.

10:57 p.m.  

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