Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Berry Merry Christmas....

Another Christmas has come and gone, and a good one it was. We did our usual Danish Christmas on the 24th, with some yummy goose, red cabbage, carmelized potatoes, and all the trimmings. Of course no Danish Christmas is complete without rice pudding, and we had a very yummy dessert.

Gift opening was a blast, as per usual. The Precious Boy is thrilled with his pet snake, which he originally named Anaconda, but has now switched her name to Hog Nose. I had a lovely chat with the Berry Queen on the 25th after her tumultuous thirty hour car ride with five children and the Berry King. She says that being the snake is a girl and all, perhaps The Precious Boy shouldn't name her after her worst feature. I, however, think the Hog Nose is cute on a snake.

From my parents I received some jammies, some hunting gloves, some cool pens, and a new planner, as well as the sixth season of RoseAnne. Oh, how I love thee, RoseAnne.

Big Brother got me a Metallica T-shirt, A hunting turtle neck, and my all time favorite book: The Berry Grower's Companion. It's full of diagrams and all kinds of big words about soil density and stuff I don't know enough about yet, and I can't wait to sink myself into it and learn about my future.

My crazy uncle came through as usual with a host of new reading material for the new year, which is always nice to have on hand. As far as book buyers go, I'd have to say he's the best around and he always picks out books that I end up enjoying. He buys them in hard cover too, which I like the feel of. I'm going to have to put up some more bookshelves when I move back to the Ranch for good, though, because my book collection is getting out of control.

Today is the first day of real snow. It's thick, sticky, and looks wonderful. I offered to take the Precious Boy out to make a snow fort, but he poo-pooed that idea, replacing it with the idea of a snow Castle with a canon. My artistic skills are somewhat lacking, but perhaps we can start the foundation and then the ever artful Big Brother can come home and save me from my pathetic design skills.

And now I must go, feed the Precious Boy, and await my family's return from their day of activities. I think I might even get out of my new jammies for a big today, but only because I don't htink it's wise to go snow castle building in pajamas.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like a perfectly fun Christmas! I'm glad you had a good one :)

10:30 a.m.  

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