Tuesday, February 14, 2006

(Yet Another) Open Letter To My Cat....

Dear Copernicus,

Since your arrival in my life, we have had many ups and downs. On occasion, I can't picture my life without you. Sometimes, however, I would like nothing more than to toss your writhing body under a bus and be done with you. Last night was one of those times.

Your incessant howling while I'm sick and trying to sleep is somewhat less than appreciated. This morning after four hours worth of sleep I was forced out of my bed and into the cold streets of Canada to go to the sub shack, where I spent five hours before an exam on Death slicing onions and hacking what is likely to be a hairball brought on by your presence in my life. (Yes, I had an exam on Death on Valentine's day).

I was also sleepy and thus cranky.

And when I get cranky, it's the people around me who suffer.

And since I'm a loser who lives alone with only the company of a cat to keep me from insanity, YOU are the one who suffers when I'm cranky.

So, to save yourself from certain death beneath one of those dastardly city buses that spray mud everywhere and that follow a ridiculously hard-to-follow scedule, I request that you kindly shut the Hell up while I try to sleep.

With sincere love; your owner,



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