Tuesday, April 06, 2010

On Relocating the Love of My Life...

So, I have made this decision in the past and the time came to make the decision once more.

Riding here at The Ranch in the spring is hellacious. I've given up on ever riding in this delightful swamp during the months of March through June.

So, Zydeco, Off you go!

But first we had to get him on a trailer.

This proved to be quite easy as this year I hired one of my father's friends who believes in doing things 'the cowboy way'. So they cowboy-ed my horse onto the trailer in about eight minutes flat and off we went.

Zydo made it to the barn before I did, and when I arrived, there he was, in his enormous 14 x 14 stall eating hay as though he'd lived there all his life. He was in his glory in that stall and I truly felt bad for disturbing him. But, riding him daily is the reason I moved him over there, so I tacked him up and brought him to the ring.

In the ring is what is commonly known as an electric fencer.

My horse is terrified of electricity.

So this delightful piece of equipment is going "Click, Click, Click" the whole time we are in the arena. Before getting on Zydo the first time, I decided to walk him to the far end of the arena and make him stand by this electric fencer.

But Zydo would have none of that. Oh, no. He was fearing the worst, thinking that it would jump up and attack him, shocking him within an inch of his life. He skittled about, paced side to side, jumped around a little bit, and tried to run me over. The owner of the facility actually said "Is she going to get on him?" Because he was acting like a bit of a nutbar.

So, I gave up on making him stand by the fencer and mounted my trusty steed.

After my attempts to make him comfortable by the fencer, I rode my magnificent thoroughbred in an indoor arena and OH MY WORD.

I live to ride in indoor arenas. He was magnificent, if not a little look-y. I even managed to get a few steps of functional trot out of him.


After our first ride in six months, it was time to introduce Zydeco to his new pasture mate, something that gives me anxiety since the last time he was turned out with new horses, he promptly got his ass kicked. He still has the scars to prove it.

His new pasture mate, however, is a delightful pony mare who also happens to be a chestnut. They sniffed each other out and decided that they should become fast friends, galloping into the sunset together. They have since become such good buddies that they scratch each others' itches, lay together in the sun, and eat their fill of delicious hay without trying to take each others' faces off.

A case of true love, indeed.

Zydo and I plan to live there for about two months, until the ground here is dry enough to ride on.

However, I don't have an indoor arena here, and I fear greatly that I will fall in love with such a beautiful facility and feel the need to stay there forever.

Time and money will tell.



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