Friday, December 04, 2009

And Now, I Need to Lather, Rinse, Repeat Nine More Times

So I have been working on courses to upgrade my degree so that I can eventually get my Master's. A Master's in what, I have not decided, but I want a Master's in something.

So first the Honours. I need ten fourth year classes: Three in Sociology (My major), three in Psychology (My minor), three electives, and one in statistics. The last course will probably make me cry on numerous occasions as I am what I call Mathematically Retarded. That is to say, I can not do math in any capacity and basic addition tends to do me in. I don't know how I will get through the stats course, but I'm not focusing on that right now.

I finished my first course over a month ago and have simply not gone back and checked my marks.

In order to get in to the program I think I want, I need to have an eighty or above in the last ten classes of university. Which means that all ten of these classes I need to put my all into.

I need to get straight A's here.

And I'm terrified that I don't have what it takes to be an A student. So I haven't checked my mark because finding out that I didn't meet my goal this early in the game would have been very upsetting.

I put a heck of a lot of effort into the first half of this course, and then I hurriedly wrote up the last portions of it, having friends prrof read my essays in states of semi-sobriety and hoping that it would do the trick because I had procrastinated so much.

So with much wariness about me, I checked my grade last night.

And I got an 88% in the course!

Relief. Oh, sweet heavens, the relief.

My current course is a developmental psychology course, which is appearing easy now but requires a bit more work as there is a formal exam and another term paper included in it.

Let's hope that it doesn't end up being fifty pages of work crammed into the last two weeks before the course deadline.

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Blogger Jummy said...

Congrats! Think of all the worry you could have saved yourself if you had just checked your mark (or gotten Mal to right away).

I guess it makes for good blogging that way though! :)

12:08 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SuperNan is a wizard at statistics you know, she could help you. (God help us all!)

1:35 p.m.  
Blogger Amanda said...

I should have just checked it and gotten it over with, but I was at that state where I honestly didn't want to know either way.

Oh, Mom! We'll have a blast statisticing together. A grand time shall be had by all.

10:26 p.m.  

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