Monday, April 24, 2006

Random updates

Because you simply can't live without knowing what's going on in my life:

1) My house is still trashed, although the contents of the closet, my dresser, and the drawers of my bed have either been thrown away or packed. It still looks like a flaming herd of buffalo have trampled through looking for water, but I have faith that, at the very least, if I can't get it done before next Sunday SuperNan will make her presence known and throw everything I own in the trash to save us having to move it. Quite frankly, losing all my worldly possessions would be a relief at this point.

2) I have one exam left to go. One. I could cry, I'm so happy. Instead I'll just keep sipping away at the strawberry zinfandel that hasn't left my side all weekend. I find that keeping a steady level of inebriation without being fully intoxicated makes for the loveliest of naps, a complete lack of ambition to do anything even remotely useful, and a wonderful dull ache behind my ears that won't go away until I down the rest of the bottle or go to bed.

3) I get my kitty back in just seven days! Coperni-kitty has been gone for the last month because she can no longer stand living in the Depths of Hell. Fortunately, moving day is a week away, and thus, so is having my precious kitty back with me.

4)I realized today that berry season is, like, nine weeks away. This is our year, Berry Queen! We will own this season, SuperNan! The boobs will happily be reunited as one in the berry cave, where our intelligences can be likened to that of kitchen furniture, where our products will be compared to the stuff that paves driveways, and where we can sing and dance and make music until the wee hours every single day! Let the fruit flying begin!

5) I am determined to lose this weight before the berry season comes. My job as field manager is a tricky one. I'm dealing with the public all day, and quite often, rude remarks are made to me. It's one thing to have rude remarks made at you and while you feel attractive. I tell you now that it is another matter entirely to have people make rude remarks at you and feel self conscious about your back fat. So, in order for the season to be a successful one, I need to look and feel my best. (Plus, the farm boys next door will drive by to say hello more often if I'm slightly attractive. These things do wonders for an exhausted girl's self-esteem).

6) I've started smoking again. I know that this is awful. I know that I can't afford this. I know that I am capable of living wihtout cigarettes. So why am I smoking? I don't know the answer to this. But, I have decided that I will give myself this week. When I move out of Hell, I'll quit again. It just has to be a conscious decision. I know this from quitting last time. If I just simply set my mind to it, and forget that I ever started up again, I'll be able to quit again.



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