Saturday, April 01, 2006

Good Bye, Copernikitty......

I left my little kitty at the ranch today. She'll be coming back to me on May 1st, when I leave the Depths of Hell.

It seems that she is just not cut out for living here. She looks dull, only picks at her food, yowls at the window, and is generally unhappy.

As soon as we got to the ranch last night, she was skipping happily about the house, mowing down cat food like it was her job, and generally being her old self.

So, here's to hoping that my new apartment will make my kitty happy and that some day we can live in harmony once more.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a loving "mom" you are! I hope Coperni-kitty likes the new place a lot more too!

12:04 a.m.  

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