I would like to introduce you, Dear Readers, to Zydeco. He is tall, handsome and rugged with flowing locks of rust-colored hair. It has been a whirlwind romance, seeing as how we met on Wednesday, but already I have decided to take him into my home and share all the love in my heart with him.
I rode him for the first time today and I have to say he is everything I've ever wanted in a horse. He is calm, cool, collected and he doesn't stand up on his tip-toes and dance when he sees his shadow.
He leads well and has no problem with being tacked up. He isn't ticklish on his belly, and he doesn't mind if his hair gets pulled while I brush it. He understands voice commands and generally does whatever I tell him to; he is very anxious to please.
I have to say that I have absolutely no muscle tone left anywhere in my body from my riding days. When I was mounted on his back, I felt immediately as though I wasn't a person any more and was instead a huge Amanda-shaped slab of jell-o on horseback. Every muscle in my body is currently throbbing, begging to understand why I would strain them so.
The woman who sold him to us is most lovely, she was incredibly hospitable; She allowed me to ride him free in the outdoor ring, and then tacked up her own horse and took me on a hack through the trails she has on her property. He had a minor heart attack over a duck who decided to take to his wings when we walked by; I knew horse and rider were a pair cut from the same cloth when he dove behind the seller and her horse. Because, really, loyalty means nothing when you're scared and I'm the type who throws her own mother into the path of charging sheep should my safety be compromised.
He is very sucky in his stall, wanting cuddles and treats and kisses on his velvet-y soft nose. I wasn't entirely prepared for him and didn't come bearing treats in my pockets. I could tell he was disappointed, but he didn't hoof me in the teeth in retaliation and so I figure he must be a good enough guy.
He is beautiful. I hope your love affair is long indeed :)
i don't know amanda - he kind of seems lke a horse's ass...but i might be wrong.
i love hm - congrats
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