Thursday, June 07, 2007

I have been reading CRAP of late...

When we first started this radiation business, I went to my favorite section in Chapters and picked out about ten books. Typically, if I'm buying a novel for entertainment purposes only, I don't want to spend thirty bucks on it: What if its so awful I can't get through it? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH BEER THIRTY DOLLARS CAN BUY? If I spent thirty bucks on an awful novel, I wouldn't have any good reading material OR any beer, and that would just be a travesty.

I happened upon a particular Chapters store one day, and there were a whole host of books for sale for two bucks. I don't know why they were doing such a thing, selling these hard-cover novels for such a low price, or why the Gods of Reading Crap were smiling down on me that day, but I ended up in the store with the two dollar books in it and I think it may well have been one of the best days of my life (Barring the day I had that hideous eighth grade perm straightened out, of course.)

For the last three years, I've had very little time to sit about reading something that my heart has yearned to read. Normally I'm burried three feet deep in textbooks that, while interesting, wouldn't be my first choice of literature. Normally I'm stressed out by the prospect of term papers looming ahead of me, and even if I do pick up a book to pass the time, I am plagued by guilt because SHOULDN'T I BE DOING SOMETHING WORTHWHILE WITH MY TIME?

But now I sit, surrounded by mindless tripe, novels that have made best seller's lists but haven't been recommended by accredited post-secondary institutions and I have to say that I LOVE IT.



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