Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Take your cat and leave my sweater....

Aaah, Keith Urban. How I love thee.

Oh, come on. Who doesn't feel like bursting into tears when he tells the skanky bitch who broke his heart to take her cat and leave his sweater, because they have nothing left to weather, in fact he'll feel a whole lot better? That line really doesn't make you want to weep?

You are made of stone.

I'm wearing Cute Boy's sweater today.

In fact, my neighbor is concerned because not only have I worn it today, I've worn it for the last three consecutive days. I figure that since I'm wearing a long sleeved T-shirt under it, and it's not actually making contact with my unhappy, scalded skin, so it doesn't count as gross.

Coperni-kitty is happily at home on the ranch with Nan. I'm sure her head has been batted a copious number of times for such cute, kitten-y little offenses like drinking out of someone's cup (Which she does); eating off of someone's plate (Which she also does); or darting out from under furniture, wrestling the nearest person to the ground, and trying to exact her revenge for having been declawed (Which she also does: this is cute and hilarious though. Sometimes you can just shake her off. Other times you have to cackle hysterically until your neighbors pound on the floor from below you. That generally startles her so you can make good your escape.)
I'm having moving anxiety.

For one thing, my moving date is on a Monday, when normal people have to work. I'm not really in a position to ask people to skip work: As great, cute, and wonderful as I am, I'm not really worth losing money over.

So, this leaves my moving crew at a grand total of Myself, and my Mom. And of course, Azia. Could be interesting, seeing as how none of us know how to disasemble or reassemble my table.

And, there is the issue of the other people being out on time. What if we get all of our stuff loaded into a truck, get to our new home, and find out that the other people aren't out yet?

How do you hook up hydro? Who do you call for that? Who gives us our first key? Who do we talk to if the lights don't work?

We need to buy lightbulbs!!

There is just so much to think about that my mind is about to explode!
Oh, and while we're on the topic of minds exploding?

FINALS are in less than a week.

Do you think I've even BEGUN my readings on Contemporary Sociological thought? That I've even PERUSED the article called "Girls Gone Raunch"? That I have AN IDEA as to what the four components of socialized health care are?

Whose idea was this whole school thing?

I blame my mother.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that I have read that article in was very negative. Basically the women were in the article think about sex like men do not from the standard female point of view. The tone of the writer made me want to yell-read maybe you will agree with me. ~Azia

8:54 p.m.  

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