Thursday, June 19, 2008

That Much Closer to 24... And Berry Season...

I will very shortly be celebrating my twenty fourth brithday with lots of fruit, drinking, guitar playing, and possibly a bad case of hives.

I do believe that I am having a life crisis of sorts. I really want to say a MID LIFE crisis, but at 23, I don't think I have yet reached the middle of my life.

And I must say that I'm a little bit sad that my life crisis has no name.

I'm having a no-name life crisis. And when you think about it, that sort of sums up the parts of my equation quite nicely.

Jooms says:
it IS a bit morbid, especially with your own 25th birthday coming up!
Jooms says:
gosh i remember when you were 21
Jooms says:
in fact...are you sure your'e actually turning 25? this seems a bit sudden
Jooms says:
i'm not even trying to be funny

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:

Jooms says:
how can 4 years have gone by? maybe i thought you were 21 but you were 22?
Jooms says:

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
Well, Turning twenty four

Jooms says:
you're turning 24?

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:

Jooms says:
oh brother

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:

Jooms says:
Jooms says:
good heavens
Jooms says:

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
I forgot if I went to your birthday last year, and YOU IMAGINED A WHOLE YEAR OF MY LIFE
Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
Honey, if I make it to 96....

Jooms says:
you have a year before i'll take your woes on that topic seriously

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
DEAR GOD, what if I stay alive until I'm 96?
Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
I need to smoke more.

Jooms says:
haha...i expect you to make it to 100 so...

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
And drink more, clearly

Jooms says:
Jooms says:
you suck

Amanda: I no longer believe this tripe.... says:
I love you

Apparently, not too many people are taking my no-name life crisis that seriously.

I'm not sure if I should be overwhelmingly relieved, or overwhelmingly upset.

Regardless, I'm sure I will make it through this birthday without a scratch (Or, more hopefully, without scratching, because another case of hives on my birthday will surely do me in for good.)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everytime you've mentioned your quarter-life crisis, I've wanted to tell you to listen to the song Why Georgia by John Mayer (no, it's not country, or rock) because well, I can relate to it. Here are the lyrics:

I am driving up 85 in the
kind of morning that lasts all afternoon
just stuck inside the gloom

Four more exits to my apartment but
I am tempted to keep the car in drive
and leave it all behind

Cause I wonder sometimes
about the outcome
of a still verdictless life

Am I living it right?
Am I living it right?
Am I living it right?
Why, why Georgia, why?

I rent a room and I fill the spaces with
wood in places to make it feel like home
but all I feel's alone
It might be a quarter life crisis
or just the stirring in my soul

Either way, I wonder sometimes
about the outcome
of a still verdictless life

Am I living it right?
Am I living it right?
Am I living it right?
Why, why Georgia, why?

So what, so I've got a smile on me
but it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head
Don't believe me
Don't believe me
When I say I've got it down

Everybody is just a stranger but
that's the danger in going my own way
I guess it's the price I have to pay
still "Everything happens for a reason"
is no reason not to ask yourself

If you are living it right
Are you living it right?
Are you living it right?
Why, tell me why
Why, why Georgia why?

11:46 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

I got all weirded out at 21, and then again at 27. Strangely, 30 isn't bothering me. Next year will probably be a breeze.

by the way: Happy birthday!

2:11 p.m.  

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